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Engineering & Consulting Endorsement
07 4723 4885
Established in 1967


Surveying Services Performed at the Highest Safety Standards in Queensland

Safety Vision

"As owner and operator of Atkinson & Booy Surveys my vision is that our people will operate in a way which ensures a workplace free of injury. I recognise that to aspire to anything less is simply accepting that injury to my people or the public is a result of luck and therefore out of my control. It is understood that to establish the right environment to achieve a workplace free of injury will require my commitment and leadership. My staff will understand my passion to obtain a high level safety culture within the group, and will feel comfortable and empowered to stop any task where they may consider safety is being compromised."

I will achieve this environment by:

  • Providing and maintaining office and field plant and equipment to a high standard.
  • Making the wearing of PPE where required non-negotiable.
  • Providing safe systems of work in the workplace by identifying hazards, assessing risks, implementing controls and reviewing regularly. Where appropriate developing Safe Work Methods Statements (SWMS) and Field Instructions to assist our field staff.
  • Seeking a continuous improvement in occupational health and safety performance taking into account feedback from our staff, clients and any changes in community expectations. 
  • Complying with all relevant legislative requirements including regulations, standards and codes of practice. Acknowledging that where there is any gap that our business will adopt a position that ensures the health and safety of our people is not compromised.
  • Maintaining a consultative approach to health and safety by being inclusive and allowing my people to contribute their knowledge and experience in a meaningful way.
  • Ensuring that all my staff are competent and understand their responsibilities and accountabilities specifically in relation to health and safety.
  • Communicate openly with employees both informally and at a regular health and safety meetings.

All of us have a responsibility to follow rules for safe and healthy operations and to report hazards that they identify. Everyone is expected to assist in creating a safe operating environment at Atkinson & Booy Surveys so we can all go home each night free of injury.

Our staff operate in the knowledge that, “there would be nothing so important or urgent that it will ever be acceptable to compromise safety”.

 07 4723 4885 to find out more!

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